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Asia Foundation Development Fellowship 2024-25 | Fully Funded || Apply Now

Asia Foundation Development Fellowship 2024-25 | Fully Funded || Apply Now

Fully Funded
Country: USA, Nepal
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Asia Foundation Development Fellowship 2024-25 | Fully Funded || Apply Now

The Fully Funded Asia Foundation Development Fellowship welcomes applicants of all nationalities, aiming to empower emerging leaders from diverse Asian regions. It provides a year-long immersive experience to enhance leadership abilities, gain practical insights, and contribute to social and economic development. The selection process is rigorous, focusing on identifying individuals with the potential to create meaningful impact.

The 2025 Asia Fellow Program will center on Climate Action, molding participants into leaders in this domain. Fellows will collaborate, receive mentorship, and engage in hands-on experiences to address climate challenges with innovative solutions. This prestigious international fellowship promises a transformative journey, enhancing both professional and personal growth through skills acquisition, practical experience, and networking.

The Asia Foundation Development Fellows Program targets talented Asians under 40, elevating their leadership skills, deepening their understanding of Asian development, expanding professional networks, and providing international exposure. The program, rooted in the Foundation’s longstanding commitment to nurturing leaders, aims to empower participants as influential agents of positive change.

In addition to gaining experience, fellows receive a stipend and access to resources to support their aspirations. This fully funded program offers an exceptional opportunity for skill development and impactful contributions to community growth. If you’re driven to make a difference, consider applying to this transformative fellowship today.

Benefits of Asia Foundation Development Fellowship

  • Asia Development Fellows Program is a fully funded fellowship, requiring no cost from the participants.
  • Fellows will embark on a year-long leadership development journey that takes place in Asia and the United States.
  • They will receive a 5000 USD stipend, a professional development award, to cover their travel expenses, accommodations, and other program-related costs.
  • In addition, the program includes a range of workshops, seminars, and field visits to prominent institutions in Asia and the United States.
  • Asia Foundation Fellows will receive various mentorship and coaching sessions.
  • Furthermore, the fellows will have the chance to connect with other emerging leaders from the region and engage with field experts, fostering valuable professional networks.
  • This fully funded fellows program provides emerging leaders from Asia with an exceptional chance to enhance their leadership skills and gain fresh perspectives on regional and global challenges.
  • Through various learning experiences and interactions, fellows will undergo personal growth, enhancing their self-awareness and adaptability.

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  • Applicants must be residents or citizens of eligible countries/regions.
  • Applicants must be below the age of 40 by 1 January 2025.
  • Moreover, all applicants should have a demonstrated track record of leadership in their professional fields and within the broader community relevant to climate action. Any professional background is acceptable if the candidate can show how their work relates to climate action.
  • Furthermore, they must possess strong English language skills in both writing and speaking (TOEFL results are optional).
  • All those applying for the Development Fellows Program must be available and committed to participating in all program components as scheduled.
  • They must also be able to get US visa.
  • Additionally, applicants should possess exceptional personal character and integrity.

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Application for Asia Foundation Development Fellowship

  • Passport
  • CV/Resume
  • Personal information (nationality/citizenship, contact details)
  • Recommendation Letters  (2)
  • Short video submission (2-3 minute long)
  • A written submission that showcases your experience and achievements

For more guidelines, click here 

2025 Fellowship Program Components:

a) Spring 2025: Leadership Training Program and Study Tour (Nepal, 17-28 February 2025)

  • Highly interactive leadership training modules with executive coaches.
  • Site visits with leading development practitioners, policy leaders and local innovators.
  • Includes short assignments and sessions on building self-awareness and wellness for leaders.

b) Fall 2025: Leadership Dialogue and Exchange Program (United States 6-17 October 2025)

  • Continues the work from the spring session, strengthening cohort bonds and building new international perspectives.
  • Focus on extending networks of support, especially in the climate action space.
  • Fellows participate in comprehensive programs, policy discussions and leadership development opportunities.
  • Held in the San Francisco Bay Area and Washington, DC.

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Type of Opportunity Scholarships and Fellowships
Deadline29 July,2024
CountryUSA, Nepal
OrganizerThe Asia Foundation



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